The jury will choose, analogous to the online voting, exclusively on the basis of the
submitted photos and without further information about the candidates. The artists of
the Top Twenty can be evaluated on the basis of their submitted 1-3 photos. The jurors
will make a ranking. Each set of points for the ranking consists of values 1 to 8, 10
and 12, which will be awarded to the "most beautiful" ten artists. The other ten artists
receive no points / are awarded 0 points. The winner is the artist with the most points
in total. If two or more artists have the same number of points at the end, a decision
will be made as follows: the number of highest scores awarded to the respective participants
will be taken into account. In this case, the number of 12-point scores will be evaluated
first, in case of equality the number of 10-point scores and so on.
2nd Place

Yvette van den Boogaard: Instagram
3rd Place